Articles Posted in Criminal Law

Reingreso Ilegal a los Estados Unidos: Lo Que Necesita Saber
The Bonderud Law Firm

El reingreso ilegal a los Estados Unidos es un delito federal grave que puede resultar en severas sanciones, incluyendo prisión y deportación. Según 8 U.S.C. § 1326, las personas que han sido deportadas, removidas o a quienes se les ha denegado la entrada y luego regresan ilegalmente pueden enfrentar cargos por delitos graves. Un caso…

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Illegal Reentry into the United States: What You Need to Know
The Bonderud Law Firm

Illegal reentry into the United States is a serious federal offense that can lead to harsh penalties, including imprisonment and deportation. Under 8 U.S.C. § 1326, individuals who have been previously deported, removed, or denied entry and then unlawfully return to the U.S. can face felony charges. A recent case highlights the government’s aggressive prosecution…

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Understanding the Federal Sentencing Guidelines in Criminal Cases
The Bonderud Law Firm

The federal sentencing process can be complex and intimidating for defendants facing criminal charges. One of the most critical aspects of this process is the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, which play a significant role in determining the penalties for federal offenses. These guidelines aim to promote consistency in sentencing while allowing for judicial discretion in certain…

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The “Plain Smell” Doctrine in Florida: Can Police Still Search Your Car Based on the Odor of Marijuana?
The Bonderud Law Firm

Earlier today, the Florida Third District Court of Appeal issued a significant ruling in DelJimmyo Wright-Johnson v. State of Florida, a case that raises important questions about whether the smell of marijuana alone still provides police with probable cause to search a vehicle. This decision highlights the evolving legal landscape following Florida’s legalization of medical…

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Understanding Stalking, Cyberstalking, and Harassment Under Florida Law
The Bonderud Law Firm

Stalking, cyberstalking, and harassment are serious offenses under Florida law. These behaviors can cause significant emotional distress and, in some cases, may lead to severe legal consequences for the offender. If you or a loved one is experiencing stalking or harassment, it is crucial to understand your rights and legal remedies. What is Stalking Under…

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Florida Appellate Court Affirms Denial of Motion to Suppress in Holifield v. State
The Bonderud Law Firm

Introduction The Fifth District Court of Appeal of Florida recently issued its opinion in Brandon Robert Holifield v. State of Florida, affirming the trial court’s decision to deny Holifield’s motion to suppress evidence obtained during an inventory search of his vehicle. The case centered on whether law enforcement used the inventory search as a pretext to conduct…

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Florida’s New Immigration Law: What It Means for Undocumented Immigrants
The Bonderud Law Firm

Florida has recently enacted sweeping new immigration legislation, imposing stricter penalties on undocumented immigrants accused of crimes. The law, which is among the most severe in the country, increases criminal penalties, mandates automatic deportation in certain cases, and even introduces the possibility of a mandatory death sentence for first-degree murder convictions involving undocumented immigrants. These…

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Florida’s Prison Crisis and the ACLU’s Misplaced Priorities
The Bonderud Law Firm

In Florida, more than 75% of state prisons lack air conditioning, leaving thousands of inmates to suffer through brutal summers in inhumane conditions. Meanwhile, the ACLU, once a champion of civil liberties, has turned its focus toward advancing controversial gender policies rather than fighting for the basic human rights of incarcerated individuals. Both Florida’s Republican-led…

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Billy McFarland Plans Fyre Festival 2: What You Should Know About Fyre.Mx’s Terms of Service
The Bonderud Law Firm

Billy McFarland, the convicted fraudster behind the infamous Fyre Festival, is back with a new venture—Fyre Festival 2. Despite serving time for defrauding investors and ticket buyers in the disastrous 2017 event, McFarland is now promoting a second iteration of the festival through his platform, Fyre.Mx. But before you consider purchasing tickets, it’s critical to…

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Understanding Motions to Suppress in Florida Criminal Cases
The Bonderud Law Firm

Introduction A motion to suppress is one of the most powerful tools in criminal defense, allowing a defendant to exclude illegally obtained evidence from being used against them in court. If law enforcement violated a person’s constitutional rightsduring an arrest, search, or interrogation, a criminal defense attorney can file a motion to suppress to challenge the admissibility of that evidence.…

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“The Bonderud Law Firm excelled at taking complicated legal matters and explaining them in a way that I could grasp. This decreased my anxiety and allowed me to take a more proactive role in my own case.”

Paul B.

“Mr. Bonderud represented me in an extraordinarily complex action we initiated against my former employer, a Fortune 500 corporation. We were David battling Goliath. Mr. Bonderud took on the challenge with truly remarkable energy and enthusiasm. He was extremely meticulous in his preparation, and...

Ivan R.

“Attorney Andrew Bonderud goes above and beyond. He has met all of my expectations as my Attorney. I would definitely recommend him and I will definitely use his professional services again if need be.”

Don M.

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